Wendy Welsh and I will be giving a talk to Capital Quilters Guild in Lower Hutt, New Zealand on Willyne Hammerstein's La Passacaglia quilt. The addiction to this quilt is massive and world wide. There is a Facebook Group currently with 2.5k members (Wendy is one of the administrators for this page). The same questions are asked by people wanting to make this quilt I.e. Fabrics, templates, papers etc. so we have decided to help.
Wendy and I are not experts but by sharing what we have learnt along the way (including gadgets and techniques) we hope to either help and encourage those starting and to maybe introduce newbies to this wonderful EPP quilt.
Venue is Waterloo School, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Saturday 29th August commencing 1.30pm. Visitors are very welcome.
Google la Passacaglia images or check them out Pinterest.
Early stages of mine |
A must have in all quilting club library's and for all EPP lovers |
If your local and can come - we would love to see you.